November 25, 2011

Friday Fingers: Classic French Manicure

A manicure success made possible because of this kit....

It took me 3 hours to get everything right but it was worth the effort :)


Lois said...

Nice !

Lizeewong said...

THANKS cha! Punya cepat kau comment hehehe.

carolchs said...

I love! Cantik oh tu flowers pnya color kena contra with the classic french.
Ya, dulu when i first started to do my own french mani, sia pun pakai french mani kit but mine was by sally hansen. now, i have easier tips to do french without those kit. ada bah sia bikin tutorial but havent get the time to edit the video recording to post on my blog.

edythe said...

So nice & neat lah Liz. Cute lgi dia pnya bunga tu.

Sa pun teda beli apa2 kit. Sia try pakai apa yg ada. Sdh try tpi blm puas hati ni. So lmbt sikit mo post lah :)

Lizeewong said...

Kay- Sia suda try buat without the kits. 1/2 day ba sia experiment but I couldn't get that perfect look you know. Punya la frustrating. Frustrating to the point of cursing and screaming ah. HEHEHE. Last2 sia pi shopping mall to get some therapy and got myself a kit.

Am looking forward to see that video.

Edith- Thanks dear. It aint easy, that's for sure. Toughest design I've done so far. I know you feel the same way :)

Okayarms said...

Your bloghop pic... looks like your have cute claws that wants to scratch something or whatever... hahaa. I know, sot kan hahaa.

But I really like your nails... detail juga kan you paint ;)

Happy Monday, Lizee!

Too bad you can't come to the gath...

aemynadira said...

really nice!!!!! i like the little flowers...heeee...nice, nice! ^^

Lizeewong said...

Hi Arms...Haha..Like claws huh? I was trying hard to show ALL of my nails ba tu...Susah juga mau pose jari you know :P

Glad you like the French mani. 1st time la kau suka haha. Better than the orange la. Happy Tuesday to you too (Ntah kau terbaca ka tidak ni ari)

Aemy- Thanks dear! It was such an effort you know. I almost gave up after spending hours on this. LAst2 I bought the kit and that made everything easy :)