August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: What I did on snow day

a not-so-impressive snowcastle

a pick-up truck

a famous mountain

Warning: The following pictures contain nudity and violent act that might offend some people.

FYI, she is NOT pregnant. Snowmen/women are meant to be chubby.

Thanks for all the good ideas :)


Isabel said...

oh wow! You really fully utilized your snow! And you did make the ABC that I suggested!:) But that poor tragic! :-P

Lizeewong said...

Hehe..Yeah, I made the ABC as you suggested but not edible la :) That snowwoman was going to die anyway, so I thought why not :P

carolchs said...

mesti si alex tu kan punya idea bikin tu snowman yg pakai sansut saja hehehe

Lizeewong said...

Kay- Nda..I actually got the idea from Calvin and Hobbes cartoon pasal snow - Thanks to Paival. Dia yg suggest sia google.

Oh ya. Nda sempat sia kasi keluar Christmas tree dari stor suda melt tu snow the next day. Ni kali cepat betul dia melt.

CathJ said...

odoiiii.... kenapa lah kau pi bunuh tu snowman/woman.. LOL..

wow a lot of snows there... have fun! ^_^

Jj said...

hahaha..punya best! ada jg gunung kinabalu ya :) funny oo tu snowwoman ..hahaha...

Amanda Christine Wong said...

i so dig this! :D

aemynadira said...

ice age!! cute so creative!! i like the 1st picture, the falling snow makes the picture beautiful ^^
and the snow castle is cool!
that snowwoman....okay, it does look like a female..hehehe...what are you doing..autopsy? :p haha..

LaViaP said...

YAY! Calvin & Hobbes inspired Snowman (or Snowwamen) Massacre!

Lizeewong said...

Cath- Once in a lifetime ba ni bunuh snowman :P

JJ- Iya..tu idea ko tu. Tp teda bendera Sabah :)

Amanda- Thanks dear XD

Aemy - Hahaha..Yakan! I should've done an autopsy instead of killing her :))

Paival - Yeah..Thanks to you, I am now a vicious murderer :P

Enniebelle said...

hahaha..last pic's gory!